Fielding in Shell Cup 1983/84 (Ordered by Catches)

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IDS Smith (CD)59 9
EB McSweeney (Well)6729
MJE Wright (ND)4718
JJ Crowe (Auck)55 5
PJ Kelly (Auck)5516
RT Latham (Cant)55 5
PJ Rattray (Cant)55 5
AW Hart (Cant)3426
WK Lees (Ot)5415
TE Blain (Cant)2314
SL Boock (Ot)53 3
GN Cederwall (Well)53 3
ATR Hellaby (Auck)63 3
RI Leggat (Cant)33 3
SJ Maguiness (Well)63 3
KR Rutherford (Ot)43 3
RH Vance (Well)63 3
JG Boyle (Well)42 2
VR Brown (Cant)52 2
MD Crowe (CD)52 2
BA Edgar (Well)52 2
EJ Gray (Well)62 2
RE Hayward (CD)52 2
SJ McCullum (Ot)42 2
PE McEwan (Cant)52 2
RW Ormiston (Well)52 2
ADG Roberts (ND)42 2
MC Snedden (Auck)62 2
DJ White (ND)32 2
JR Wiltshire (CD)52 2
BR Blair (Ot)51 1
JG Bracewell (Auck)51 1
RD Broughton (ND)21 1
CL Bull (Cant)51 1
BL Cairns (ND)51 1
BG Cooper (ND)21 1
LM Crocker (ND)41 1
GJ Dawson (Ot)41 1
CW Dickeson (ND)41 1
TJ Franklin (Auck)61 1
SJ Gill (CD)31 1
MJ Greatbatch (Auck)41 1
DR Hadlee (Cant)31 1
RJ Hadlee (Cant)31 1
PJ Holland (Well)31 1
RN Hoskin (Ot)51 1
GP Howarth (ND)51 1
AH Jones (Ot)31 1
JK Lindsay (Ot)11 1
JM Parker (ND)51 1
CJ Pickett (Well)11 1
GK Robertson (CD)51 1
DW Stead (Cant)51 1
DA Stirling (CD)51 1
MH Toynbee (CD)41 1
DJ Walker (Ot)51 1
PN Webb (Auck)41 1
RJ Webb (Ot)51 1