Bowling in Plunket Shield 1923/24 (Ordered by Player)

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CFW Allcott (Auck)100830416146-3829.71 21
AW Alloo (Ot)140129606246-13625.25 31
A Anthony (Auck)22449062-1415.00 00
EHL Bernau (Well)272314132-6947.00 00
EO Blamires (Ot)596928684-5635.75 00
RC Blunt (Cant)4812811-1928.00 00
AWS Brice (Well)102916507206-5425.35 21
DC Collins (Well)276218683-523.25 00
WHR Cunningham (Cant)7121032094-8335.55 00
CCR Dacre (Auck)12827521-1437.50 00
GR Dickinson (Ot)480230422-173152.00 00
WM Douglas (Ot)6648350114-7531.81 00
JA Dunning (Ot)16020    
A Galland (Ot)10423522-1817.50 00
GR Gregory (Cant)16090    
M Henderson (Well)256114821-6774.00 00
JS Hiddleston (Well)264610654-4221.20 00
CA Holland (Well)256117332-6057.66 00
AE Irving (Auck)240130    
DJ McBeath (Cant)7799340175-3120.00 20
HM McGirr (Well)72211323166-5220.18 20
EG McLeod (Auck)192213042-4032.50 00
JJM McMullan (Ot)160130    
WR Patrick (Cant)15836932-2123.00 00
RJ Read (Cant)456521652-6343.20 00
DM Sandman (Cant)536125894-5328.66 00
JSF Shepherd (Ot)288313621-2968.00 00
SG Smith (Auck)100519533238-6523.17 22
ANC Snedden (Auck)416517932-2459.66 00
RO Talbot (Cant)9606411-3464.00 00
RC Torrance (Ot)70822259115-5223.54 10
HC Watson (Well)5603511-1635.00 00
HR White (Well)800640    
H Wilson (Auck)504226963-12144.83 00