Batting and Fielding in Newman Shield 1938/39 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
AJ Neal (Mar)1205858  29.00 010 
H Bougen (Mar)1205543  27.50 001 
DS Max1205046  25.00 002 
CP O'Sullivan (Mar)1214233  42.00 002 
A Newman1204138  20.50 001 
NE Avery (Mar)1204025  20.00 000 
NW Hawkes1204022  20.00 001 
S Wilde1204034  20.00 000 
DP Hastilow (Mar)1213829  38.00 000 
A Loveridge1203629  18.00 000 
R Shuttleworth1212619  26.00 001 
VR Hawkes1202415  12.00 000 
H Irvine1211210*12.00 000 
SF Clunies-Ross (Mar)1111212* 000 
B Neal (Mar)1101212  12.00 000 
GT Sowman (Mar)1101212  12.00 001 
H Auty (Mar)12076  3.50 001 
LS Max12044  2.00 002 
V Davies12044  2.00 000 
M Fowler12011  0.50 000 
GF Cresswell (Mar)11011  1.00 000 
B Hundleby (Mar)11011  1.00 001