Batting and Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1990/91 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
MT Johnston (NC)33014487  48.00 010 
MWJ Patterson (NC)34212043*60.00 002 
AJB Shipley (NC)23012060  40.00 013 
BS Ford (NC)3309467  31.33 012 
NA Proudfoot (NC)2208961  44.50 011 
S Booth (CSA)1107575  75.00 010 
GJ de Joux (SC)1206739  33.50 000 
PM Dickson (NC)1106767  67.00 012 
J Larter (SC)1205634  28.00 000 
BJ Ward (SC)1214127*41.00 003 
S Reid (SC)1203922  19.50 001 
R Houghton (CSA)1103939  39.00 000 
RJV Hamilton (NC)3313723  18.50 002 
GC Bateman (CSA)1102929  29.00 001 
P Tutton (SC)1202519  12.50 000 
RW Steele (CSA)1112424* 000 
K Williams (SC)1202314  11.50 000 
A Hargreaves (CSA)1101919  19.00 000 
MD Satterthwaite (NC)341178*5.66 000 
BJ Roberts (NC)1101515  15.00 000 
AW Robertson (Ash)1111515* 000 
R Groves (CSA)1101515  15.00 000 
PM Winter (NC)332127*12.00 0021
DJ Richardson (NC)220128  6.00 000 
MF Sharpe (NC)221117*11.00 001 
BA Carlaw (SC)1201111  5.50 000 
GJ Ballantyne (SC)12099  4.50 000 
M Birchfield (CSA)11177* 000 
R Tibbotts (CSA)11077  7.00 000 
RV Masefield (NC)32066  3.00 000 
C Leonard (SC)12055  2.50 000 
TJ Masefield (NC)22043  2.00 000 
A Hemingway (CSA)11033  3.00 000 
C Stevenson (SC)12022  1.00 001 
S Scott (Ash)11022  2.00 000 
B Eggleton (SC)12111*1.00 001 
GJ Jenkins (Ash)11111* 002 
B Lindsay (CSA)11000  0.00 000 
CD Courtis (CSA)11000  0.00 000 
AJ Clarke (Ash)10      1 
G Breach (Ash)10      2 
DR Harrison (Ash)10      1 
WL Eddington (Ash)10      0 
DR Mably (Ash)10      0 
J Stagg (Ash)10      0 
AF Ross (Ash)10      0 
C Bell (Ash)10      0