Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1990/91 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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PM Winter (NC)3213
GC Bateman (CSA)11 1
G Breach (Ash)12 2
AJ Clarke (Ash)11 1
PM Dickson (NC)12 2
B Eggleton (SC)11 1
BS Ford (NC)32 2
RJV Hamilton (NC)32 2
DR Harrison (Ash)11 1
GJ Jenkins (Ash)12 2
MWJ Patterson (NC)32 2
NA Proudfoot (NC)21 1
S Reid (SC)11 1
MF Sharpe (NC)21 1
AJB Shipley (NC)23 3
C Stevenson (SC)11 1
BJ Ward (SC)13 3