Batting and Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1986/87 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
NH Wright (NC)24117066  56.66 022 
PR Williams (NC)34016286  40.50 012 
MT Johnston (NC)35113373  33.25 011 
MD Satterthwaite (NC)34111036*36.66 003 
DC Burrell (CSA)121105105*105.00 100 
MJ Hawke (SC)1109797  97.00 010 
GC McManus (CSA)1208669  43.00 010 
RV Masefield (NC)3307743  25.66 001 
DC Langrope (NC)2326743  67.00 002 
B Adams (CSA)1216434*64.00 000 
GR Wright (Ash)1205951  29.50 0111
PM Winter (NC)3405832  14.50 0064
J Dore (SC)1105353  53.00 010 
GT Barrett (CSA)1204338  21.50 000 
CM Abbott (NC)2213523*35.00 001 
RJ Kerr (CSA)1203329  16.50 001 
MR Holmes (Ash)1203231  16.00 000 
JJ Spicer (Ash)1203232  16.00 000 
BA Carlaw (SC)1102727  27.00 000 
RH Vincent (SC)1102626  26.00 000 
R Heron (SC)1102424  24.00 000 
AJ Clarke (Ash)1202318  11.50 000 
GJ Houston (Ash)1202312  11.50 001 
SJ Alexander (NC)1101818  18.00 001 
SR McNally (NC)2211717  17.00 002 
D Braid (CSA)1201711  8.50 002 
JC Richardson (Ash)1221712* 000 
DR Mably (Ash)1201313  6.50 002 
LI Chapman (Ash)120116  5.50 000 
PJ Burton (Ash)12088  4.00 000 
TJ Morgan (Ash)12085  4.00 000 
A Kennedy (CSA)12077  3.50 001 
PG d'Auvergne (SC)11177* 000 
LN Stoddart (Ash)12054  2.50 002 
DJ Kars (NC)21155* 001 
BJ Ward (SC)11155* 0011
M McIntyre (CSA)12143*4.00 000 
JW Davies (SC)11044  4.00 000 
GB Chamberlain (NC)21133* 003 
MB Allan (NC)11022  2.00 001 
EGC Ritchie (SC)11022  2.00 000 
GJ de Joux (SC)11011  1.00 000 
R Hemingway (CSA)12000  0.00 000 
B Day (CSA)12000  0.00 000 
R McGrail (CSA)11000  0.00 001 
GR Saunders (NC)31000  0.00 001 
TJ Masefield (NC)11000  0.00 002 
RH King (SC)10      1