Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1986/87 (Ordered by Catches)

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PM Winter (NC)36410
GB Chamberlain (NC)23 3
MD Satterthwaite (NC)33 3
D Braid (CSA)12 2
DC Langrope (NC)22 2
DR Mably (Ash)12 2
SR McNally (NC)22 2
TJ Masefield (NC)12 2
LN Stoddart (Ash)12 2
PR Williams (NC)32 2
NH Wright (NC)22 2
CM Abbott (NC)21 1
SJ Alexander (NC)11 1
MB Allan (NC)11 1
GJ Houston (Ash)11 1
MT Johnston (NC)31 1
DJ Kars (NC)21 1
A Kennedy (CSA)11 1
RJ Kerr (CSA)11 1
RH King (SC)11 1
R McGrail (CSA)11 1
RV Masefield (NC)31 1
GR Saunders (NC)31 1
BJ Ward (SC)1112
GR Wright (Ash)1112