Batters Sharing in Most Century Partnerships for New Zealand Under-19s in Under-19 Test matches

3BB McCullum
2TG McIntosh
2MHW Papps
2LRPL Taylor
2KS Williamson
1JM Aiken
1CJ Anderson
1SJ Blackmore
1HKP Boam
1MG Croy
1AM Ellis
1JI Englefield
1JEC Franklin
1MN Hart
1BR Hartland
1GJ Hopkins
1RA Lawson
1PD McGlashan
1RJ Nicol
1NR Parlane
1BMK Patton
1BA Pocock
1IA Robertson
1MP Taiaroa
1GR Todd
1DL Vettori
1MDJ Walker
1JPE Wilson
1LJ Woodcock
1GH Worker


The list shows the top 30 occurrences