Hawke Cup Matches played by SJ Cameron (5)

7th December 2002 Hawke Cup 2002/03 Zone 2Horowhenua and Kapiti v Wanganui Waikanae Park, Waikanae hawke1104
7th February 2004 Hawke Cup 2003/04 Zone 2Horowhenua and Kapiti v Marlborough Weraroa Domain, Levin hawke1131
4th December 2004 Hawke Cup 2004/05 Zone 2Marlborough v Horowhenua and Kapiti Horton Park, Blenheim hawke1135
5th February 2005 Hawke Cup 2004/05 Zone 2Wairarapa v Horowhenua and Kapiti Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton hawke1149
17th December 2005 Hawke Cup 2005/06 Zone 2Horowhenua and Kapiti v Wairarapa Weraroa Domain, Levin hawke1159