Thelma Luxton as Scorer in Miscellaneous Matches (6)

Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database

26th January 1985 Chapple Cup 1984/85 Group BTaranaki v Marlborough Pukekura Park, New Plymouth misc994012
12th November 1988 Other matches in New Zealand 1988/89  Taranaki v Counties Pukekura Park, New Plymouth misc830527
20th October 1990 Other matches in New Zealand 1990/91  Taranaki v Counties Western Park, New Plymouth misc830740
7th December 2008 Chapple Cup 2008/09 First RoundMarlborough v Taranaki Horton Park, Blenheim misc994116
20th October 2012 Chapple Cup 2012/13 First RoundMarlborough v Taranaki Nelson Park, Napier misc994128
13th March 2018 Other matches in New Zealand 2017/18  Central Districts A v Northern Districts A Pukekura Park, New Plymouth misc775099