Fielding in U-Bix Cup 1988/89 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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GP McRae (Mar)3134
GB Stretch (Mar)4235
RT Pewhairangi (Sthd)312113
BJ Roberts (NC)2718
PM Winter (NC)2415
CM Abbott (NC)43 3
DJ Baird (Bul)21 1
RA Bartholomew (Hor)11 1
DJ Bennett (Sthd)33 3
TE Blain (Nel)11 1
S Booth (WC)11 1
KJ Burns (Sthd)42 2
NJ Carman (Nor)22 2
GB Chamberlain (NC)31 1
PG d'Auvergne (Mar)42 2
BTP Donelan (Sthd)32 2
MW Douglas (Nel)21 1
B Dunning (Nor)21 1
PJ Gleeson (Mar)11 1
AD Greig (Bul)22 2
DJ Guthardt (Nel)39 9
RJV Hamilton (NC)32 2
MB Hampton (Mar)33 3
RJ Harden (Nel)32 2
RE Hayward (Nel)31 1
RJ Hill (Sthd)41 1
L Hooper (WC)21 1
RN Hoskin (Sthd)41 1
CD Ingham (Nel)33 3
MT Johnston (NC)42 2
TP Johnston (NC)11 1
JS Lane (Mar)32 2
CK Lawton (Hor)11 1
GR Logan (Mar)11 1
DS McHardy (Mar)15 5
SR McNally (NC)43 3
W Marshall (Sthd)11 1
JD Martin (Mar)31 1
RV Masefield (NC)41 1
TJ Masefield (NC)43 3
JL Minhinnick (WC)21 1
G Moody (Mar)21 1
RAK Moran (Mar)31 1
DR Murdoch (Sthd)41 1
MWJ Patterson (NC)43 3
RA Pierce (Nel)11 1
BJ Plaskett (NC)31 1
GK Robertson (Tar)11 1
MD Robinson (Mar)11 1
MD Satterthwaite (NC)41 1
MF Sharpe (NC)21 1
CJP Smith (Nel)33 3
WD Smith (WC)21 1
ID Stark (Mar)44 4
RG Tait (Sthd)43 3
PJ Visser (Nel)31 1
CA Webb (Hor)11 1
GM Wilson (Mar)31 1
SM Wilson (Mar)21 1
TJ Wilson (Sthd)44 4
BA Young (Nor)22 2