Fielding in Shell Cup 1991/92 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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EB McSweeney (Well)612113
LK Germon (Cant)7538
SA Robinson (Ot)47 7
AH Jones (Well)66 6
JD Wells (Well)65 5
MJ Greatbatch (CD)54 4
IDS Smith (Auck)24 4
TE Blain (CD)5213
PS Briasco (CD)53 3
SW Brown (Auck)43 3
RN Hoskin (Ot)43 3
MJ Lamont (Ot)43 3
DA Stirling (Well)53 3
JW Wilson (Ot)33 3
BA Young (ND)6123
MD Bailey (ND)52 2
GE Bradburn (ND)62 2
JJ Crowe (Auck)42 2
MD Crowe (Well)42 2
SW Duff (CD)52 2
MN Hart (ND)62 2
BR Hartland (Cant)72 2
PG Kennedy (Cant)72 2
RT Latham (Cant)72 2
MB Owens (Cant)62 2
AC Parore (Auck)22 2
DN Patel (Auck)42 2
MW Priest (Cant)52 2
RB Reid (Well)62 2
SA Thomson (ND)62 2
RG Twose (CD)52 2
JTC Vaughan (Auck)42 2
BR Williams (Well)22 2
IS Billcliff (Ot)41 1
LJ Doull (Well)61 1
SB Doull (ND)61 1
RL Glover (CD)51 1
CZ Harris (Cant)71 1
RL Hayes (ND)61 1
LG Howell (Cant)71 1
REW Mawhinney (Ot)31 1
MP Maynard (ND)61 1
MJ Pawson (CD)31 1
C Pringle (Auck)41 1
W Watson (Auck)41 1
DJ White (ND)51 1
JG Wright (Auck)41 1