Fielding in Rothmans Under-23 Tournament 1971/72 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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JF Jackson (Cant)3325
DB Bygrave (Auck)3617
WK Lees (Ot)3617
JL Symon (ND)3819
GN Adam (Ot)33 3
RW Anderson (Ot)35 5
CMH Atkinson (Auck)31 1
BC Baldwin (CD)32 2
SL Boock (Ot)31 1
GB Borman (Well)36 6
L Boswell (ND)33 3
DJ Brady (Ot)31 1
JC Brooks (ND)31 1
NW Byrt (CD)22 2
BL Cairns (CD)31 1
JW Calder (Cant)36 6
HR Cameron (Ot)11 1
SB Cater (Well)31 1
DM Cederwall (Well)31 1
AE Collins (Cant)32 2
RD Cox (Well)32 2
PG d'Auvergne (Cant)31 1
DA Dempsey (Cant)22 2
GN Edwards (CD)36 6
DM Finlay (Auck)21 1
RW Fulton (Cant)31 1
CD Galwey (Cant)32 2
CR Garrett (ND)21 1
RE Gearry (Cant)21 1
EK Gillott (ND)31 1
AR Hewson (Well)11 1
AJ Hill (Auck)32 2
AR Isaac (Well)31 1
PR Joyce (Cant)34 4
NM Kershaw (Ot)21 1
DP Lloyd (ND)33 3
R McGill (ND)11 1
BJ McKechnie (Ot)32 2
NF Maclaine (CD)32 2
PR Mathieson (Auck)31 1
DW Neal (CD)31 1
GA Newdick (Well)31 1
DR Newton (Well)21 1
AEW Parsons (Auck)31 1
RM Pickard (Auck)32 2
RA Pierce (CD)31 1
RA Priest (Well)32 2
A Puna (ND)32 2
KN Puna (ND)31 1
EGC Ritchie (Cant)21 1
AW Short (CD)34 4
IR Snook (CD)34 4
HM Soma (Auck)31 1
RJ Sowden (Cant)32 2
GB Thomson (Ot)12 2
GB Troup (Auck)21 1
GM Wallace (Auck)21 1
S Watson (Well)31 1
RS Wilson (Ot)31 1
JR Wiltshire (Auck)31 1
KW Woolley (ND)31 1
JG Wright (Cant)32 2
MJE Wright (ND)33 3