Batting and Fielding in RW Biggar Memorial Trophy 1974/75 (Ordered by Average)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
JU Varcoe (SC)1102525  25.00  000 
DG Young (Ash)1102121  21.00  000 
SJ Hunt (Ash)1101717  17.00  002 
LS Williams (SC)1101717  17.00  001 
JG Wilson (SC)1101717  17.00  000 
NE Veitch (SC)1101212  12.00  002 
CD Galwey (SC)1101010  10.00  000 
JW Davies (SC)11099  9.00  000 
JT Ward (SC)11099  9.00  000 
GC Eddington (Ash)11088  8.00  000 
BP Isherwood (Ash)11077  7.00  002 
PN Keenan (Ash)11055  5.00  000 
PW Melville (SC)11055  5.00  000 
NF Richards (SC)11022  2.00  001 
BC Sampson (Ash)11022  2.00  001 
DJ Isherwood (Ash)11011  1.00  000 
RG Jenkins (Ash)11011  1.00  000 
BD White (Ash)11011  1.00  001 
BV Sampson (Ash)11011  1.00  000 
BJ Davidson (SC)11000  0.00  000 
RW Drennan (Ash)1111010*  001 
ICT Chapman (SC)11100*  001