Bowling in RW Biggar Memorial Trophy 1968/69 (Ordered by Player)

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OD Bruce (Ash)6403111-3131.00 0064.00 2.90
KM Butler (Ash)480410     5.12
PG d'Auvergne (SC)8041444-143.50 1020.00 1.05
BJ Davidson (SC)8805322-5326.50 0044.00 3.61
BA Farrant (Ash)6402711-2727.00 0064.00 2.53
CD Galwey (SC)8033333-3311.00 0026.66 2.47
RM O'Reilly (Ash)400170     2.55
BV Sampson (Ash)8812922-2914.50 0044.00 1.97
WJ Taylor (SC)401190     2.85
T Underdown (SC)00200     0.00
BD White (Ash)12033822-3819.00 0060.00 1.90