Bowling in Prudential Under-20 Tournament 1985/86 (Ordered by Wickets)

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DJ Hartshorn (Cant)00178145-6012.71 20
BJ Barrett (Auck)25220196146-4014.00 10
F Beyeler (Well)00126125-3910.50 10
PD Unwin (CD)00256114-5023.27 00
HD Skipper (Well)006695-277.33 10
GE Bradburn (ND)1711413593-3915.00 00
JP Millmow (Well)007374-4710.42 00
ML Su'a (ND)84412874-7018.28 00
MH O'Rourke (CD)006866-6811.33 10
AP Sigley (Auck)0013063-4421.66 00
MA Hastings (Cant)001544-153.75 00
J O'Reilly (Ot)004744-4711.75 00
D Aitken (Cant)004944-4912.25 00
AJZ Somani (ND)4845344-3613.25 00
B Roberts (Auck)10266944-3717.25 00
DK Morrison (Auck)21099144-8322.75 00
NJ Adams (Ot)001333-134.33 00
JPE Wilson (CD)002133-217.00 00
G Dixon (Cant)002833-289.33 00
P Johnson (Well)002933-299.66 00
DJ Leonard (CD)003933-3913.00 00
S Le Prou (ND)12036833-6822.66 00
JTC Vaughan (Auck)18097133-3523.66 00
SA Thomson (ND)9045311-5353.00 00
G Thomas (Auck)180120    
KB Hancock (ND)604240