Fielding in Provincial A Team Competition 2000/01 (Ordered by Catches)

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BL Hood (ND)39211
DB Storer (Auck)25 5
GG Robinson (ND)34 4
SM Battock (Well)13 3
MN Hart (ND)23 3
CW Ross (ND)23 3
RA Young (Auck)23 3
SL Andrews (ND)32 2
JD Fulton (CD)12 2
JG Hatwell (ND)32 2
GA Howell (Well)12 2
BB McCullum (Ot)12 2
PD McGlashan (CD)12 2
ME Parlane (ND)32 2
RA Pudney (Auck)22 2
MP Sweetman (ND)32 2
DL Vettori (ND)32 2
SJ Waide (Ot)12 2
GT Donaldson (Well)11 1
SB Golder (Well)11 1
LJ Hammond (ND)31 1
NKW Horsley (Auck)21 1
RT King (Auck)11 1
GR Loveridge (CD)11 1
ND Morland (Ot)11 1
TP Robin (CD)11 1
JM Vujnovich (Auck)11 1