Fielding in Plunket Shield 1969/70 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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IJ Therkleson (Well)58311
WL Blair (Ot)1123
LS Mountain (ND)5527
RM Schofield (CD)58210
JT Ward (Cant)514216
RA Dykes (Auck)3617
BD Milburn (Ot)49110
GD Alabaster (Ot)51 1
JC Alabaster (Ot)41 1
RW Anderson (ND)53 3
B Andrews (CD)51 1
RA Baddeley (Auck)42 2
GA Bartlett (CD)42 2
MA Beban (Well)43 3
AJ Beuth (ND)31 1
GP Bilby (Well)57 7
JH Blackmore (ND)31 1
BA Bolton (Well)52 2
JW Burtt (Cant)51 1
DJ Calkin (CD)45 5
KO Campbell (Ot)55 5
JR Carson (Auck)53 3
PG Coman (Cant)54 4
PJC Coutts (Well)57 7
B Dunning (ND)55 5
KI Ferries (Cant)21 1
BT Freeman (Ot)53 3
BDM Furlong (CD)32 2
JG Gibson (ND)52 2
WA Greenstreet (Well)52 2
GP Haddon (CD)44 4
RM Harris (Auck)55 5
LD Hollands (Ot)42 2
RC Hooton (ND)51 1
MJ Horton (ND)52 2
AR Hounsell (Cant)32 2
RW Hutchison (Ot)52 2
TW Jarvis (Cant)57 7
RG Jefferson (Well)33 3
AB Jordan (CD)11 1
JG Kemp (Auck)54 4
KD Kennedy (ND)53 3
SW Kohlhase (Auck)33 3
DP Lloyd (ND)41 1
PB McGregor (CD)53 3
JM McIntyre (Auck)53 3
TC Masters (ND)32 2
RW Morgan (Auck)32 2
JFM Morrison (Well)43 3
BAG Murray (Well)44 4
DO Neely (Auck)51 1
KJ O'Connor (Ot)33 3
NM Parker (Ot)21 1
DH Payton (CD)51 1
LR Pearson (Ot)45 5
V Pollard (Cant)53 3
GA Powell (Ot)11 1
RH Prouting (Ot)32 2
ADG Roberts (ND)55 5
ML Ryan (CD)55 5
BV Sampson (Cant)21 1
JWJ Schofer (Well)21 1
PC Semple (Ot)42 2
MJF Shrimpton (CD)56 6
LC Sparks (CD)42 2
JT Sparling (Auck)56 6
SR Speed (Auck)54 4
DW Stead (Cant)12 2
LW Stott (Auck)21 1
RE Sutton (Auck)31 1
K Thomson (Cant)53 3
DG Trist (Cant)52 2
MG Webb (Ot)45 5
BW Yuile (CD)31 1