Fielding in New Zealand Pub Charities National Tournament 1995/96 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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SL Illingworth (Cant)4437
LRVS Harford (Auck)43 3
ML Lynch (Auck)43 3
M Murray (CD)43 3
RJ Rolls (CD)4213
KE Bond (Cant)42 2
JCTM Gernhoefer (CD)42 2
DA Hockley (Cant)42 2
KM Keenan (Cant)42 2
SL Kelly (Auck)32 2
PD Kinsella (Well)42 2
S McLauchlan (Auck)42 2
LM Astle (Cant)21 1
EC Drumm (Auck)41 1
MK Fruin (Auck)41 1
SM Hall (Well)4011
JE Harris (Well)41 1
KJ Musson (Well)41 1
KA Ramel (Auck)41 1
KT Ryan (CD)41 1