Fielding in New Zealand Pub Charities National Tournament 1993/94 (Ordered by Catches)

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SM Hall (Well)8527
JA Fryer (Well)74 4
NM Williams (Well)84 4
JE Harris (Well)83 3
CA Campbell (Cant)52 2
HP Fouhy (Cant)42 2
SL Illingworth (Cant)52 2
TA Jackson (Well)82 2
SG Jamieson (Well)82 2
PD Kinsella (Well)82 2
S McLauchlan (Cant)52 2
NA Pratt (Auck)32 2
FA Stickney (Well)82 2
SM Wilson (Auck)52 2
TL Anderson (Cant)51 1
CL Atkins (CD)41 1
DK Brownlee (Cant)11 1
CM Cavanagh (Well)51 1
HR Daly (NH)31 1
LE Eagles (Well)51 1
JM Fraser (NH)21 1
MK Fruin (Auck)61 1
MM Graham (CD)31 1
SK Helmore (PC)41 1
KM Keating (Auck)61 1
SL Kelly (NH)41 1
RJ Rolls (CD)41 1
S Waddingham (NH)31 1
SF White (NH)31 1
K Young (Auck)31 1