Bowling in National Provincial A Quad Series 2020/21 (Ordered by Player)

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JTA Benton (Well)180320     10.66
WJ Clark (CandN)2703311-2833.00 0027.00 7.33
JA Clarkson (CandN)1202411-2424.00 0012.00 12.00
ND Desai (Well)60150     15.00
LR Dudding (CandN)3604232-3214.00 0012.00 7.00
BM Johnson (Well)240420     10.50
JR Lennox (CandN)120911-99.00 0012.00 4.50
AJ Leonard (Well)2404111-4141.00 0024.00 10.25
CK Leopard (CandN)6080     8.00
FJM Murray (CandN)120180     9.00
JJ Naylor (CandN)3004421-1822.00 0015.00 8.80
AW Noema-Barnett (CandN)1802711-2727.00 0018.00 9.00
BJ Skilton (Well)2403722-3718.50 0012.00 9.25
PF Smith (Well)240340     8.50