Bowling in Jarvis Shield 1948/49 (Ordered by Player)

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RW Blair (HV)2161010122-3350.50 00
LA Clark (Well)360230    
NR Collins (HV)8417022-5135.00 00
W Fraser (HV)13257232-5724.00 00
TA Harrison (HV)2421212385-1315.37 10
JF Jones (Well)12128311-283.00 00
TS Malloch (Well)10845511-4355.00 00
RD Marvelly (HV)11444121-1920.50 00
AF Nightingale (HV)60100    
PP Phillips (Well)3011311-1313.00 00
EJ Sigley (Well)15056033-4520.00 00
WK Smith (Well)9644033-4013.33 00
J Taylor (Well)301120