Bowling in Hong Kong International Cricket Sixes 1996/97 (Ordered by Player)

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Aamer Hanif (Pak)240630     15.75
Aaqib Javed (Pak)2406432-1021.33 008.00 16.00
SA Ankola (Ind)3606921-734.50 0018.00 11.50
HAG Anthony (WI)1404711-1447.00 0014.00 20.14
RP Arnold (SL)3609642-924.00 009.00 16.00
NJ Astle (NZ)2405722-1228.50 0012.00 14.25
ID Austin (Eng)240540     13.50
R Bannister (HK)601433-144.66 002.00 14.00
Basit Ali (Pak)2403742-99.25 006.00 9.25
AC Bedade (Ind)36011821-1559.00 0018.00 19.66
KCG Benjamin (WI)2406121-1230.50 0012.00 15.25
AJ Bichel (Aus)180440     14.66
GS Blewett (Aus)180480     16.00
SJ Brew (HK)2402731-69.00 008.00 6.75
S Chanderpaul (WI)3607532-525.00 0012.00 12.50
RK Chauhan (Ind)36010511-19105.00 0036.00 17.50
WJ Cronje (SAf)180580     19.33
DN Crookes (SAf)3606952-613.80 007.20 11.50
AA Donald (SAf)3607511-1575.00 0036.00 12.50
SB Doull (NZ)2406311-2063.00 0024.00 15.75
MR Farcy (HK)1804921-1524.50 009.00 16.33
AC Gilchrist (Aus)120300     15.00
CZ Harris (NZ)2405231-617.33 008.00 13.00
IJ Harvey (Aus)2405632-518.66 008.00 14.00
Ijaz Ahmed (Pak)1060     36.00
Ijaz Ahmed (Pak)801711-017.00 008.00 12.75
RD Jacobs (WI)3007121-435.50 0015.00 14.20
KD James (Eng)2406831-1322.66 008.00 17.00
WS Jayantha (SL)3609841-524.50 009.00 16.33
DPMD Jayawardene (SL)3006752-1513.40 006.00 13.40
RS Kalpage (SL)3508962-1114.83 005.83 15.25
MS Kasprowicz (Aus)1802932-79.66 006.00 9.66
DR Laing (SAf)180530     17.66
GR Larsen (NZ)240780     19.50
DS Lehmann (Aus)1606011-1960.00 0016.00 22.50
Mohammad Zahid (Pak)1804711-2047.00 0018.00 15.66
AC Morris (Eng)1805011-1850.00 0018.00 16.66
GRP Peiris (SL)180420     14.00
NO Perry (WI)3006442-416.00 007.50 12.80
RA Pick (Eng)180480     16.00
BT Player (SAf)3009522-1347.50 0015.00 19.00
Rashid Latif (Pak)1202932-89.66 004.00 14.50
Saleem Malik (HK)1205311-3553.00 0012.00 26.50
R Sharma (HK)1805311-753.00 0018.00 17.66
RR Singh (Ind)3007921-939.50 0015.00 15.80
PA Smith (Eng)70250     21.42
RP Snell (SAf)30010342-1825.75 007.50 20.60
CM Spearman (NZ)240570     14.25
KEA Upashantha (SL)120460     23.00
AS Wassan (Ind)3609011-1590.00 0036.00 15.00
M Watkinson (Eng)2404721-923.50 0012.00 11.75
RPAH Wickramaratne (SL)1203622-1218.00 006.00 18.00
LR Williams (WI)3609453-418.80 007.20 15.66
A Yates (HK)2407011-1170.00 0024.00 17.50
S Young (Aus)1203411-1734.00 0012.00 17.00