Hawke Cup 2009/10 - Highest Partnership for Each Wicket

  1288  JM How & L MurrayManawatu v Bay of PlentyFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1271
  2127  CG Bartholomeusz & MH GardinerNelson v Canterbury CountryMainPower Oval, Rangiorahawke1252
  3160  AJ McCaa & BJ DiamantiMarlborough v West Coast (South Island)Horton Park, Blenheimhawke1258
  4126  Otago Country v SouthlandQueen's Park, Invercargillhawke1270
  5143  JW Pyle & FA WilsonOtago Country v South CanterburyAorangi Oval, Timaruhawke1272
  6188  MR Short & D CleaverManawatu v MarlboroughFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1273
  7104  GR Cameron & PM OdellNorth Otago v SouthlandWhitestone Contracting Stadium, Oamaruhawke1260
  8108  DT Meiring & AF MilneManawatu v Bay of PlentyFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1271
  982  BS Hill & R KotkampOtago Country v Mid-CanterburyMolyneux Park, Alexandrahawke1269
1091  DJ Drew & DG SewellNorth Otago v ManawatuFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1274