Hawke Cup 2009/10 - Centuries

224  JM HowManawatu v Bay of PlentyFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1271
191  JW de TerteHawke's Bay v WanganuiVictoria Park, Wanganuihawke1240
158*SW EathorneNorth Otago v Mid-CanterburyAshburton Domain, Ashburtonhawke1244
157*BJ DiamantiMarlborough v West Coast (South Island)Horton Park, Blenheimhawke1258
156  CJ DaviesSouth Canterbury v North OtagoWhitestone Contracting Stadium, Oamaruhawke1263
156  MR ShortManawatu v MarlboroughFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1273
154*MJ FraserWanganui v Horowhenua and KapitiWeraroa Domain, Levinhawke1257
145  JW de TerteHawke's Bay v Horowhenua and KapitiKena Kena Park, Paraparaumuhawke1261
136  L MurrayManawatu v Bay of PlentyFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1271
133  DJ BroomNorth Otago v ManawatuFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1274
129  CJ DaviesSouth Canterbury v Otago CountryAorangi Oval, Timaruhawke1272
128  AJ McCaaMarlborough v NelsonSaxton Oval, Nelsonhawke1268
126*DT MeiringManawatu v Bay of PlentyFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1271
125  DH FultonCanterbury Country v NelsonMainPower Oval, Rangiorahawke1252
121  SW EathorneNorth Otago v South CanterburyWhitestone Contracting Stadium, Oamaruhawke1263
121  TM ScanlonBuller v NelsonSaxton Oval, Nelsonhawke1262
118  MJE CalkinHawke's Bay v Horowhenua and KapitiKena Kena Park, Paraparaumuhawke1261
112  BS HillOtago Country v Mid-CanterburyMolyneux Park, Alexandrahawke1269
108  B RowneyHorowhenua and Kapiti v WanganuiWeraroa Domain, Levinhawke1257
107  RF BadenhorstManawatu v Hawke's BayNelson Park, Napierhawke1267
104*GH WorkerManawatu v TaranakiPukekura Park, New Plymouthhawke1259
104  SM FitzgibbonSouthland v Otago CountryQueen's Park, Invercargillhawke1270
103  CG BartholomeuszNelson v Canterbury CountryMainPower Oval, Rangiorahawke1252
102  DJ DrewNorth Otago v ManawatuFitzherbert Park, Palmerston Northhawke1274
101  MP FreerHawke's Bay v Horowhenua and KapitiKena Kena Park, Paraparaumuhawke1261