Batting and Fielding in Forrest Cup 1951/52 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
RT Baxendale (WC)11000  0.00 000 
IJ Brien (Bul)12012468  62.00 020 
R Broome (WC)1102828  28.00 000 
A Cumming (Bul)1213428*34.00 000 
RH Donaldson (WC)11011  1.00 000 
N Edwards (WC)11133* 000 
RD Eyes (Bul)1202213  11.00 000 
RJ Griffiths (Bul)11000  0.00 000 
DP Hendry (WC)1103434  34.00 000 
RR Humphries (Bul)11088  8.00 000 
RP Jefferies (Bul)1212211*22.00 000 
WA Kennedy (WC)11000  0.00 000 
A Kerr (Bul)12011  0.50 000 
JWF Kiddey (WC)11000  0.00 000 
JA Lynch (WC)11044  4.00 000 
G McLellan (Bul)11022  2.00 000 
GG Marsh (WC)11022  2.00 000 
G Smallholme (Bul)1202727  13.50 000 
A Vaughan (WC)1103030  30.00 000 
D Walker (Bul)11000  0.00 000 
WHD Wallace (WC)11088  8.00 000 
GR Wheatley (Bul)1112323* 000