Batting and Fielding in Forrest Cup 1947/48 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
AJ Abelson (WC)1102121  21.00 002 
M Baird (WC)1103535  35.00 000 
DGB Bateman (Bul)1102121  21.00 000 
M Byrne (Bul)11111* 000 
A Cumming (Bul)1102626  26.00 000 
R Day (Bul)11011  1.00 000 
CD Dewar (WC)1101313  13.00 000 
RH Donaldson (WC)11000  0.00 000 
RD Eyes (Bul)11055  5.00 000 
SLA Fleming (WC)1102222  22.00 000 
SN Garforth (WC)11000  0.00 000 
RR Humphries (Bul)11022  2.00 001 
LC Lindley (WC)11122* 000 
J McDonald (Bul)11033  3.00 000 
JD Meates (WC)11000  0.00 000 
WA Meates (WC)1102323  23.00 000 
G Smallholme (Bul)11011  1.00 000 
O Smallholme (Bul)11022  2.00 000 
SC Stewart (Bul)1106767  67.00 010 
A Vaughan (WC)11066  6.00 001 
AD Wells (WC)11000  0.00 000 
H Williams (Bul)1101414  14.00 000