Batting and Fielding in Fergus Hickey Trophy 2004/05 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
J Gibson (CM)1218550  85.00 011 
MP Sweetman (BP)1107878  78.00 011 
SL Andrews (CM)1106060  60.00 010 
LG Howell (BP)1105959  59.00 010 
SZ Guthrie (CM)1105757  57.00 010 
TJ Hartland (CM)1214327*43.00 001 
JJ Boult (BP)1103838  38.00 001 
A Hamilton (BP)1103737  37.00 001 
DL Swan (BP)1113737* 000 
R Dunning (CM)1102323  23.00 000 
BR Williams (BP)1102222  22.00 000 
RT King (BP)1102121  21.00 000 
MK Drake (BP)1101515  15.00 000 
NP Fitzgerald (CM)1101212  12.00 000 
KM Farrell (CM)11055  5.00 001 
D Butterworth (BP)11033  3.00 001 
HB Chhagan (CM)12022  1.00 001 
CJH Budd (BP)11022  2.00 002 
JG Morley (CM)11011  1.00 000 
BT Morey (CM)11111* 000 
EJM Moore (BP)11000  0.00 000 
TJ McDonald (CM)11000  0.00 000 
A Hoogstraten (BP)10      0