Fielding in Fergus Hickey Rosebowl 2007/08 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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NM Daley (Ham)612315
KM Farrell (CM)612 12
CJH Budd (BP)78210
BJ Cochrane (Nor)89 9
KG Bettley (Ham)88 8
JB Lee (Nor)88 8
SL Major (WV)66 6
JD Bates (PB)75 5
JM Bezzant (WV)7415
BJ Chard (Nor)85 5
AP Devcich (Ham)85 5
RH Faust (CM)75 5
JK McDonald (PB)25 5
AD Thompson (Nor)75 5
BR Williams (BP)75 5
CW Andrews (PB)34 4
GE Bradburn (WV)34 4
RH Farrand (Nor)53 3
HJ Forsman (WV)63 3
SG Kett (CM)13 3
FM Kilgour (WV)43 3
SJM McLeod (Ham)83 3
CJ Page (Nor)73 3
DM Robinson (Nor)73 3
R Ruarau (WV)33 3
GD Steele (Ham)5213
SP Beare (CM)62 2
BM Christensen (BP)32 2
MG Earl (WV)62 2
TJ Hartland (CM)42 2
BJ Hatwell (Ham)82 2
ID Loffler (PB)72 2
JMB Loffler (PB)42 2
JN Matthews (Nor)72 2
A Robson (Ham)62 2
SJ Schwartfeger (Nor)32 2
AJ Sclater (WV)62 2
RR Shutte (Ham)82 2
D Strange (PB)12 2
RAI von Elling (CM)72 2
KS Williamson (BP)42 2
BS Wilson (Nor)62 2
KB Adlam (WV)11 1
TR Anderson (Nor)21 1
N Ball (PB)11 1
VP Blanchard (CM)71 1
TA Boult (BP)41 1
IG Butler (CM)51 1
HMA Cameron (PB)71 1
CO Christophers (PB)31 1
TM Clarke (CM)41 1
MR Divehall (BP)51 1
MK Drake (BP)71 1
RPO Drysdale (PB)41 1
TR Gooch (PB)21 1
TW Hayes (PB)41 1
SM Kearns (BP)21 1
GL MacInnes (WV)61 1
LW Martin (Ham)81 1
JA Mitchell (BP)71 1
EJM Moore (BP)31 1
JA Morgan (Nor)21 1
GR Morley (PB)71 1
JG Morley (CM)21 1
J Penman (PB)41 1
D Philip (PB)71 1
BW Revell (WV)61 1
GG Robinson (Ham)31 1
CB Shaw (PB)11 1
BJ Simpson (CM)11 1
M Singh (BP)31 1
GWC Stewart (WV)31 1
JA Sutherland (CM)31 1
PJS West (WV)21 1