Fielding in Chapple Cup 2004/05 (Ordered by Catches)

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HMA Cameron (Wair)13 3
CM Wood (Mar)23 3
RD Edwards (Nel)22 2
RPA James (Wair)12 2
NM Allen (Mar)21 1
MB Barbour (HB)11 1
BM Cotching (Mar)11 1
PW Hannan (HB)11 1
GR Hay (Nel)11 1
RA Johnston (HB)11 1
BW Krammer (Nel)21 1
DJ Leonard (Nel)21 1
SD Mellor (Wair)11 1
NJ Phelps (HB)11 1
KR Scoble (Nel)11 1
RL Ward (Mar)11 1