Batting and Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1989/90 (Ordered by Runs)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
JW Davies (SC)111110110* 100 
RV Masefield (NC)1115757* 010 
BJ Lewis (NC)1104343  43.00 000 
MD Satterthwaite (NC)1103535  35.00 000 
BJ Plaskett (NC)1103333  33.00 000 
MT Johnston (NC)1103030  30.00 001 
CJ Hart (NC)1112828* 000 
BJ Roberts (NC)1102626  26.00 000 
AF Rolfe (NC)1102525  25.00 001 
S Mackle (SC)1102525  25.00 002 
D Todd (SC)1102323  23.00 001 
PM Winter (NC)1102020  20.00 000 
J Hunter (SC)1101414  14.00 001 
LJ Paul (SC)1101313  13.00 000 
MWJ Patterson (NC)1101313  13.00 000 
GJ de Joux (SC)11044  4.00 000 
RJV Hamilton (NC)11044  4.00 001 
P Croft (SC)11022  2.00 000 
RH Vincent (SC)11022  2.00 001 
JM Allan (SC)11000  0.00 002 
TJ Kerr (SC)11000  0.00 001 
P Harper (SC)11000  0.00 000