Bowling in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1986/87 (Ordered by Average)

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DC Langrope (NC)186125463-359.00 00
LN Stoddart (Ash)11454033-4013.33 00
GB Chamberlain (NC)366269975-1614.14 10
SR McNally (NC)40222157113-3214.27 00
MR Holmes (Ash)11465333-5317.66 00
D Braid (CSA)2111113474-6919.14 00
BA Carlaw (SC)144106133-6120.33 00
A Kennedy (CSA)3002111-2121.00 00
GR Saunders (NC)4803117583-4821.87 00
RV Masefield (NC)4212119983-2524.87 00
RH King (SC)11435222-5226.00 00
PJ Burton (Ash)13546022-4130.00 00
CM Abbott (NC)204167522-3637.50 00
J Dore (SC)7234011-4040.00 00
R McGrail (CSA)150410322-4351.50 00
JC Richardson (Ash)10245511-4655.00 00
GJ de Joux (SC)24240    
R Heron (SC)12170    
AJ Clarke (Ash)180120    
RJ Kerr (CSA)60140    
DR Mably (Ash)200150    
EGC Ritchie (SC)725230    
M McIntyre (CSA)660330    
PG d'Auvergne (SC)1386660    
B Adams (CSA)783730    
DJ Kars (NC)1867990