Bowling in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1984/85 (Ordered by Average)

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CM Abbott (NC)162163865-196.33 10
DC Langrope (NC)146114855-489.60 10
RW Fulton (NC)3021411-1414.00 00
JC Richardson (Ash)11465733-5719.00 00
MR Holmes (Ash)182124222-4221.00 00
RV Masefield (NC)222157132-4823.66 00
TJ Morgan (Ash)3602711-2727.00 00
PJ Burton (Ash)9015822-5829.00 00
M Price (Ash)15696522-6532.50 00
RC Merrin (NC)144134511-4545.00 00
MT Johnston (NC)12030    
AJB Shipley (NC)603170    
LN Stoddart (Ash)784370