Bowling in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1982/83 (Ordered by Wickets)

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RC Merrin (NC)4503215283-3219.00 00
RW Fulton (NC)3061510874-2115.42 00
EJ Cunningham (Ash)11464055-408.00 10
CM Abbott (NC)13845943-1814.75 00
MR Holmes (Ash)120111833-176.00 00
AJ Devlin (NC)192166232-2420.66 00
D Braid (CSA)18688633-8628.66 00
RH King (SC)13275122-5125.50 00
WJ Jenkins (NC)10206522-5032.50 00
RV Masefield (NC)14727522-7537.50 00
WL Eddington (Ash)303511-55.00 00
LN Stoddart (Ash)7882011-2020.00 00
BJ Davidson (Ash)10282211-2222.00 00
PG d'Auvergne (SC)162114611-4646.00 00
M Hogan (CSA)192126111-6161.00 00
AF Rapley (NC)18096711-6767.00 00
CJ Heslop (NC)12047111-3371.00 00
RJ Kerr (CSA)6060    
GT Barrett (CSA)12080    
SJ McFelin (SC)303110    
S Fletcher (CSA)180120    
R McLeod (CSA)120130    
JU Varcoe (SC)482170    
BW Andrews (SC)1089250    
R Campbell (CSA)481290    
S Holden (CSA)726300    
DC Burrell (CSA)844320    
DW Gudsell (SC)1508560    
G Austin (SC)1234680    
R Provan (CSA)1268700