Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1974/75 (Ordered by Catches)

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JT Ward (SC)1415
GC Eddington (Ash)13 3
AD Neumann (Ash)13 3
AJ Schafer (WC)13 3
DG Young (Ash)23 3
BP Isherwood (Ash)1213
RG Jenkins (Ash)12 2
BD White (Ash)12 2
WL Eddington (SC)11 1
SJ Hunt (Ash)21 1
WA Leach (WC)11 1
CAN McMillan (WC)11 1
PW Melville (SC)11 1
RL Murdoch (SC)11 1
GH Olorenshaw (Ash)11 1
BV Sampson (Ash)11 1
EB Tones (WC)11 1
RJ Verrall (WC)11 1
PE Wallace (Ash)11 1
JG Wilson (SC)11 1