Fielding in Canterbury Minor Associations Cup 1963/64 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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RH Ellis (SC)35 5
JT Ward (SC)1145
JS White (SC)15 5
CJ Aitken (SC)2224
L Simpson (SC)24 4
P Barnao (Ash)13 3
CJT Robertson (Ash)13 3
BA Shewan (SC)23 3
EC Smith (SC)23 3
GB Wain (SC)33 3
T Cockfield (Bul)12 2
BJ Rippin (SC)32 2
CR Aldridge (Bul)11 1
GJ Aldridge (Bul)11 1
GP Allan (Bul)11 1
LRH Bunt (WC)11 1
D Cummings (Bul)11 1
N Evans (Bul)11 1
RM Sail (WC)11 1
BV Sampson (Ash)11 1
I Taylor (SC)11 1
T Underdown (SC)31 1