Batting and Fielding in Brian Dunning Cup 2024/25 (Ordered by Player)

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAveSRate10050CtSt
A Arora (BP)20       1 
G Basu (Ham)2212718*27.00 103.84000 
BA Beardsell (Nor)1104040  40.00 129.03000 
BD Bell (WV)11088  8.00 44.44000 
XE Bell (Ham)33013489  44.66 88.74010 
RT Benefield (WV)11122* 50.00000 
R Bhagat (Ham)31122* 66.66000 
PD Bocock (Ham)1113636* 100.00001 
CJ Boswell-Smith (Nor)2102929  29.00 145.00000 
JH Brown (Ham)33111273  56.00 113.13010 
HSW Burns (BP)2101212  12.00 150.00000 
S Chopra (Nor)2102323  23.00 127.77001 
RM Christopherson (Nor)2102222  22.00 129.41001 
JW Clare (WV)21000  0.00 0.00001 
KD Clarke (CM)1101515  15.00 100.00000 
NA Condon (Nor)2204625  23.00 63.88000 
HR Cooper (Nor)110154154  154.00 157.14100 
HJ Crowe (WV)11000  0.00 0.00001 
OD Curtis (BP)11033  3.00 75.00000 
JM Devane (Ham)3203126  15.50 129.16001 
SR Devireddy (Ham)1101717  17.00 47.22000 
NJ Dovey (BP)10       0 
RPO Drysdale (BP)2102020  20.00 54.05004 
JM Earle (BP)2112727* 142.10001 
FA Farrell (CM)11088  8.00 42.10000 
HG Farrell (CM)2204336  21.50 86.00000 
AS Goodare (CM)10       1 
JJ Gordon (WV)3205339  26.50 55.20001 
NJ Gray (WV)11000  0.00 0.00000 
RK Gulati (CM)2211915*19.00 45.23000 
LPR Hayman (WV)3205025  25.00 87.71003 
SK Heath (BP)2101111  11.00 91.66001 
AM Henry (Ham)1111919* 316.66000 
JC Hill (WV)2102222  22.00 64.700001
CM Jerram (CM)21000  0.00 0.00000 
LG Jones (Nor)21111* 50.00001 
AM Keene (Ham)110194194  194.00 141.60100 
DJ Kelliher (WV)11000  0.00 0.00000 
S Kharwin (Ham)10       0 
DG Kingham (CM)220108  5.00 58.82000 
JA Kingham (CM)1102222  22.00 81.48001 
TA Litchfield (Nor)10       0 
RA McCullum (WV)2213929*39.00 121.870001
CI McKegg (WV)32018393  91.50 133.57023 
MO Madeley (BP)2112828* 140.00000 
A Mann (CM)2207962  39.50 58.51012 
MW Marconi (CM)2217855*78.00 102.63012 
AM Mascall (BP)22011  0.50 25.00000 
RGT Metcalfe (WV)30       0 
TJ Mitchell (Ham)30       3 
FH Morey (WV)21133* 300.00000 
JK Morey (WV)10       0 
JJ Naylor (CM)11099  9.00 45.00000 
KF Nelson (Nor)20       0 
CR Nicholls (Nor)221158114*158.00 88.26100 
CJ Page (Nor)2206254  31.00 129.16010 
IA Page (Nor)11022  2.00 50.00000 
AM Parima (CM)1102121  21.00 77.77000 
JM Parker (Ham)3302915  9.66 65.90001 
NJ Parkes (Nor)21077  7.00 116.66000 
H Patel (CM)11000  0.00 0.00000 
SK Patel (Ham)220162130  81.00 108.00101 
G Patterson (Ham)22055  2.50 41.66002 
EN Price (WV)3213232*32.00 110.34001 
MA Robinson (WV)2104949  49.00 66.21000 
CB Rowell (Ham)33166*3.00 120.00000 
L Sandhu (BP)21088  8.00 44.44002 
S Singh (CM)11022  2.00 50.00000 
S Singh (Ham)10       0 
RZG Somani (CM)11022  2.00 33.33001 
M Sood (CM)1102020  20.00 74.07000 
SA Sweeney (Nor)2216533*65.00 120.37000 
BJ Syme (BP)22086  4.00 23.52001 
JD van den Heuvel (WV)21000  0.00 0.00000 
SS Varcoe (CM)2203419  17.00 50.74000 
NR Vishwanath (BP)2218177*81.00 80.19011 
FL Walker (Ham)1103030  30.00 83.33000 
OJ White (BP)2215550*55.00 56.70011 
MI Whitley (Ham)22044  2.00 50.000062
AJ Wilton (WV)3316536  32.50 77.38000