Fielding in Brabin Tournament 1963/64 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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RA Dykes (Auck)35611
AG Botting (Well)3718
WR Barberel (Cant)36 6
RG Fraser (Cant)34 4
MG Burgess (Auck)33 3
JM McIntyre (Auck)33 3
CJ Stevens (Cant)33 3
DG Breese (Ot)32 2
WJ Mitchell (Auck)32 2
KA Nicholson (Ot)32 2
CL Broad (Cant)31 1
JW Burtt (Cant)31 1
SJ Edward (Well)31 1
RM Gearry (Cant)31 1
RH Harrison (Auck)31 1
NA Keogh (Ot)31 1
BD Milburn (Ot)31 1
DM Morland (Auck)31 1
AM Morrison (Well)31 1
MH Muir (Ot)21 1
DH Payton (Well)21 1
BR Prestidge (Well)31 1
JR Smith (Well)31 1
RD Stewart (Ot)31 1
GS Thorne (Auck)21 1
GM Turner (Ot)31 1
R Walsh (Auck)31 1