Bowling in Amalgamated Theatres Shield 1932/33 (Ordered by Wickets)

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G Long (Wan)001463-22.33 00
D Reid (Wan)002064-133.33 00
M Mita (Wan)00743-61.75 00
E Thompson (Wan)001943-124.75 00
MC Corby (Wan)002242-55.50 00
G Johnson (Wan)002244-55.50 00
P Horne (Wan)00122-00.50 00
G Cate (Wan)001821-89.00 00
NR Bullock (Wan)001411-614.00 00
W Murray (Wan)002311-1323.00 00
S Te Mana (Wan)0030    
I O'Shannessey (Wan)0060