Malcolm Jones as Scorer in Twenty20 Matches (59)

(count excludes the 3 matches in which no play was possible)
Officials are not known for all matches on the database - if you can fill in any missing details please contact us
27th January 2006 State Twenty20 2005/06 Southern GroupOtago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt304
11th January 2007 State Twenty20 2006/07  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt501
18th January 2008 State Twenty20 2007/08  Otago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt762
4th February 2009 State Twenty20 2008/09  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt1079
13th February 2009 State Twenty20 2008/09  Otago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt1095
18th February 2009 State Twenty20 2008/09  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt1105
22nd January 2010 HRV Cup 2009/10  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt1470
24th January 2010 HRV Cup 2009/10  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt1474
8th December 2010 HRV Cup 2010/11  Otago v Northern Districts Whitestone Contracting Stadium, Oamaru tt2024
10th December 2010 HRV Cup 2010/11  Otago v Auckland Queen's Park, Invercargill tt2027
12th December 2010 HRV Cup 2010/11  Otago v Central Districts Queen's Park, Invercargill tt2029
27th December 2010 HRV Cup 2010/11  Otago v Canterbury Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt2041a
29th December 2010 HRV Cup 2010/11  Otago v Wellington Queenstown Events Centre, Queenstown tt2046
18th December 2011 HRV Cup 2011/12  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt2559
29th December 2011 HRV Cup 2011/12  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt2574
31st December 2011 HRV Cup 2011/12  Otago v Wellington Queenstown Events Centre, Queenstown tt2579
13th January 2012 HRV Cup 2011/12  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt2615
15th January 2012 HRV Cup 2011/12  Otago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt2622
23rd December 2012 HRV Cup 2012/13  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt3237
31st December 2012 HRV Cup 2012/13  Otago v Auckland Queenstown Events Centre, Queenstown tt3254
6th January 2013 HRV Cup 2012/13  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt3266
15th January 2013 HRV Cup 2012/13  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt3297
20th January 2013 HRV Cup 2012/13 FinalOtago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt3315
8th November 2013 HRV Twenty20 2013/14  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt3857a
9th November 2013 HRV Twenty20 2013/14  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt3858
27th December 2013 HRV Twenty20 2013/14  Otago v Auckland Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt3988
8th January 2014 HRV Twenty20 2013/14  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt4017
13th November 2014 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2014/15  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt4607
20th November 2014 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2014/15  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt4621
30th November 2014 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2014/15  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt4642
15th November 2015 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2015/16  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt5241
17th November 2015 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2015/16  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt5250
29th November 2015 Georgie Pie Super Smash 2015/16  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt5287
14th December 2016 McDonald's Super Smash 2016/17  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt6028
26th December 2016 McDonald's Super Smash 2016/17  Otago v Canterbury Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt6050
28th December 2016 McDonald's Super Smash 2016/17  Otago v Wellington Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt6055
1st January 2017 McDonald's Super Smash 2016/17  Otago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt6064
23rd December 2018 Burger King Super Smash 2018/19  Otago v Canterbury University Oval, Dunedin tt7361
30th December 2018 Burger King Super Smash 2018/19  Otago v Northern Districts Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt7377
6th January 2019 Burger King Super Smash 2018/19  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt7392a
13th January 2019 Burger King Super Smash 2018/19  Otago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt7414
27th January 2019 Burger King Super Smash 2018/19  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt7466
29th December 2019 Dream 11 Super Smash 2019/20  Otago v Northern Districts Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt8602
30th December 2019 Dream 11 Super Smash 2019/20  Otago v Canterbury Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt8605
17th January 2020 Dream 11 Super Smash 2019/20 Preliminary FinalOtago v Auckland University Oval, Dunedin tt8741
28th December 2020 Dream 11 Super Smash 2020/21  Otago v Auckland Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt9210
29th December 2020 Dream 11 Super Smash 2020/21  Otago v Canterbury Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt9212
8th January 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2020/21  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt9234
14th January 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2020/21  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt9281
6th February 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2020/21  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt9381
25th February 2021 Australia in New Zealand 2020/21 2nd Twenty20New Zealand v Australia University Oval, Dunedin tt9408
28th November 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2021/22  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt10385
12th December 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2021/22  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt10409
28th December 2021 Dream 11 Super Smash 2021/22  Otago v Wellington John Davies Oval, Queenstown tt10450
28th December 2022 Dream 11 Super Smash 2022/23  Otago v Northern Districts John Davies Oval, Queenstown tt11827
29th December 2022 Dream 11 Super Smash 2022/23  Otago v Auckland John Davies Oval, Queenstown tt11829
15th January 2023 Dream 11 Super Smash 2022/23  Otago v Wellington University Oval, Dunedin tt11887
29th January 2023 Dream 11 Super Smash 2022/23  Otago v Central Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt11943
5th April 2023 Sri Lanka in New Zealand 2022/23 2nd Twenty20New Zealand v Sri Lanka University Oval, Dunedin tt12089
28th December 2023 Dream 11 Super Smash 2023/24  Otago v Wellington Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt13041
1st January 2024 Dream 11 Super Smash 2023/24  Otago v Auckland Molyneux Park, Alexandra tt13051
16th January 2025 Dream 11 Super Smash 2024/25  Otago v Northern Districts University Oval, Dunedin tt14768