Hawke Cup Matches played by David White (16)

13th January 1979 Hawke Cup 1978/79 Elimination MatchNorthland v Poverty Bay Cobham Oval, Whangarei hawke589
27th January 1979 Hawke Cup 1978/79 Challenge MatchWairarapa v Poverty Bay Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton hawke591
10th November 1979 Hawke Cup 1979/80 Elimination MatchPoverty Bay v Hawke's Bay Harry Barker Reserve, Gisborne hawke604
8th March 1980 Hawke Cup 1979/80 Challenge MatchNelson v Counties Trafalgar Park, Nelson hawke620
8th November 1980 Hawke Cup 1980/81 Elimination MatchCounties v Thames Valley Bledisloe Park, Pukekohe hawke621
21st November 1981 Hawke Cup 1981/82 Elimination Match Zone 4Poverty Bay v Bay of Plenty Harry Barker Reserve, Gisborne hawke656
21st November 1982 Hawke Cup 1982/83 Elimination Match Zone 1Poverty Bay v Thames Valley Galloway Park, Hamilton hawke686
23rd November 1982 Hawke Cup 1982/83 Elimination Match Zone 1Northland v Poverty Bay Galloway Park, Hamilton hawke689
25th November 1982 Hawke Cup 1982/83 Elimination Match Zone 1Hamilton v Poverty Bay Galloway Park, Hamilton hawke691
29th November 1983 Hawke Cup 1983/84 Elimination Match Zone 1Counties v Midlands Seddon Park, Hamilton hawke743
16th March 1986 U-Bix Cup 1985/86 Challenge MatchHawke's Bay v Bay of Plenty Nelson Park, Napier hawke806
22nd March 1986 U-Bix Cup 1985/86 Challenge MatchBay of Plenty v Central Otago Smallbone Park, Rotorua hawke807
21st February 1987 U-Bix Cup 1986/87 Challenge MatchBay of Plenty v Hawke's Bay Smallbone Park, Rotorua hawke820
14th March 1987 U-Bix Cup 1986/87 Challenge MatchHawke's Bay v Bay of Plenty Nelson Park, Napier hawke821
21st March 1987 U-Bix Cup 1986/87 Challenge MatchBay of Plenty v Southland Blake Park, Mount Maunganui hawke822
9th February 1991 U-Bix Cup 1990/91 Challenge MatchSouthland v Bay of Plenty Queen's Park, Invercargill hawke882